ALES a.s.

The ALES a. s. company was founded in January 1997, and it has its registered office in Trenčín. It has established itself as an important supplier of air traffic control systems and of other special systems not only in the Slovak Republic but also abroad. During its existence, the company has acquired a strong presence in the defence sector. It has been a member of the ICZ group since 2008 when it became a 100% subsidiary of D.ICZ Slovakia a. s.


Company address: Soblahovská 2050, 911 01 Trenčín, Slovak Republic
Company ID No.: 36293440
VAT ID: SK7120000162
Incorporated in: Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court in Trenčín, Section Sa, Insert No. 10001/R
Telephone: +421 326 582 580

ALES, s.r.o.

The ALES, s.r.o. company was founded in June 1993. It focuses on the development, production, installation, and servicing of both civil and military systems of air traffic control (ATC/ATM) as well as on systems supporting air force command and control processes (C2). It has been a member of the ICZ groups since 2008.

Company address: 1718/10 Na hřebenech II St., Nusle, 140 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Company ID No.: 48208388
VAT ID: CZ699000372
Incorporated in: City court in Prague, Section C, Insert No. 262972
Telephone: +420 222 271 111



ALES a. s.

ALES, s.r.o.


ICZ at IDET 2023

The 17th IDET – International Defence and Security Technologies Fair took place at the Brno Exhibition Centre on 24 – 26 May. With its exposition, ICZ Group was among the leading domestic exhibitors. Members of the ICZ Group – Delinfo, ALES and S.ICZ – presented...

IDET 2023 Invitation

IDET – International Defence and Security Technologies Fair 24. – 26. 5. 2023 Brno Exhibition Centre...

ALES – 30th anniversary of the founding

From  19.1. to 20.1. 2023, we celebrated the anniversary of the founding of our company in the High Tatras, at the Sliezsky dom. ALES was founded in 1992 by ATM experts and continues successfully with companies in the Slovak Republic and in  the Czech Republic, as...