New project in Malaysia

Thanks to our colleague Ivan Kasanický, the company ALES successfully achieved  business opportunity in Asia that had been in development for a long time. ALES, as part of the T7 Kemuncak, Malaysia consortium, has won a contract for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) in Kuantan.

The signing of the contract for  the ATM system and consoles is being finalized these days. The aim of the project is to replace the existing ATM system with a new one. Our task will be  delivery of the ICZ LETVIS ATM system, its installation and integration on site, including the operators and technicians training. The implementation of the project has already started and will last from 10/2024 to 11/2026. We can again rely on cooperation with our strategic business partner, the Japanese company NEC.  The delivery of ATM system to the Royal Malaysian Air Force represents another interesting challenge and a new foreign reference in the prospectively developing Asian market.

In the words of Ivan Kasanický: “With the joint efforts of ALES and our long-term partner NEC Corporation, we managed to evaluate several years of efforts in the given territory and thus transform the opportunity into a contract. Even the difficult and lengthy road to business success did not deter us from progressing towards the goal. I would like to thank everyone who contributed with their efforts to obtaining this contract”.