As every year, representatives of ALES, s.r.o. took part in Pardubice event organized by: „Sdružení Aviatické pouti“. The air show is one of the most important shows of aviation and aerial acrobatics in the Czech Republic and has traditionally been held at the Pardubice airport since 1991. This year’s event was patronized by the President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, and the Minister of Defense, Jana Černochová.
On May 10, 2024, colleagues of the sales department took part in a social evening at the Jan Kašpar terminal – Pardubice Airport, where many Czech and foreign companies from the field of aviation were presented. In addition to the roll-up banners with ALES products displayed at the venue of the social event, ALES and ICZ companies contributed give-away items to the organized raffle. This social event with the president of the association, the former commander of the Air Force of the Czech Republic, Major General (ret.) Ing. Ladislav Minařík, as well as the current commander of the Air Force, Major General Ing. Peter Čepelka, was a great opportunity to meet, talk and exchange experiences with experts from the civil and military sectors within the wider professional public. Branches of ALES a.s. and ALES, s.r.o. are implementing the information system „SEKTOR“ for the Czech Air Force.
From June 1 to June 2, 2024, members of ALES, s.r.o. participated in the Pardubice military airport in exhibition about Czechoslovak RAF squadrons, as well at the various demonstrations of the armed forces and security forces. The most attractive point of the program was traditional air show, where military and civilian pilots proved their aerial mastery to the general public. During both days of the Airshow, as part of the implementation of the annual promotion contract, the company ALES was presented to the public with a projection of a video loop informing about the activities of its branches.